Saturday, December 1, 2007

Garageband's Song of The Day- Defender- "Media Test"

Thanks to some very enthusiastic reviews on, Defender's "Media Test" will be the site's song of the day on Sunday Dec 2nd. Yippee!!

Saturday, November 3, 2007

Fall In Line

I've suddenly come across a severe case of writers block.
Enjoy this playlist and give a rating when you have the time.

Monday, July 23, 2007

Defender in Austin

Well, I've been in Austin now just over 2 weeks and I have to say I'm really digging everything about it (minus the 36+ inches of rain that downpoured over the past few weeks). Yeah, it's odd coming from Seattle and experiencing this kind of rainfall again. Just over the past month there has been more rainfall in TX than the entire year of 2006. If that's not Global Warming then I don't know what is. Anyway, the record was released on July 17th on En:peg Digital and I'm extremely happy with the finished product. I know we've already sold close to 20 copies within the week so that's not too bad of a start. We're also doing a really cool promotion where you could win a $10 itunes giftcard for purchasing the $2 record. The 50th and 100th persons to purchase the new EP will receive a free $10 giftcard and everyone who purchases the record will get a free bonus track off my self-titled record. Here's the promo with a link to the Enpeg site.


Saturday, June 30, 2007

Defender Off To Austin

Here's an early draft of the new EP Cover........

After 2 long years of residing in Seattle, Defender is relocating to Austin, TX in hopes of music glory.
Over the past year, I've completed 2 electronic albums, the latest entitled, "Wherever We Are, We're Home EP"
which will be released on Enpeg Digital in just a couple of days. I don't have a direct link just yet but you can
goto and locate Defender under Artistry (should be up around July 5th). The entire album will be for sell for just $2, yes the exact price John Cusack owned the paper boy in Better Off Dead.

I'm been fortunate enough to have a great team of people to help me reach my musical aspirations over the past 2 years.
I just want to give a shout to the following people for their endless efforts.
Michael Mess
Edip Oner
Mark Clem at Soul Kitchen Studios
Shawn Hatfield at Audible Oddities
My love Brittany Buchanan
Rex Donati
Katina Hamm
Kevin Spillman
My father